If you are one of many people who suffer from misshapen, chipped, or severely discoloured teeth, you may find yourself covering your mouth when you smile or speak, affecting your self-esteem and mental health. 

While all dental treatments have their pros and cons, porcelain veneers are an excellent way to boost your self-confidence and instantly transform your smile. If you are considering veneers versus other cosmetic or orthodontic treatments, you may be asking the question, “are veneers worth it?”  


Are Veneers Worth It: What Do They Do? 

Dental veneers consist of thin porcelain or composite resin shell bonded to the front of an affected tooth to disguise cosmetic flaws and create the perfect smile. A veneer aims to change the tooth’s size, shape, and colour, blending it evenly with your natural teeth. 

cosmetic treatment are veneers worth it eppingDental veneers are typically used to address:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Tooth discolouration due to fillings, root canal therapy, or ineffective whitening treatments
  • Teeth with minor gaps
  • A tooth with an irregular shape
  • Microdontia

However, there are several circumstances in which dental veneers may be unsuitable. People who suffer from bruxism drastically reduce their veneers’ lifespan and damage the underlying teeth because of the undue pressure. Individuals with severe gum disease or extensive decay should not get dental veneers; veneers are cosmetic treatments only and do not address underlying oral health issues.


Are Veneers Worth It: How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

The durability and longevity of dental veneers depend on the materials used for fabrication and how well you care for them. 

The best dental veneers are made from porcelain. Porcelain veneers are the preferred option for most patients due to their realistic opalescent lustre and custom-designed wafer-thin appearance, allowing them to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth and give you a perfect smile. Porcelain veneers are also stain-resistant and require less maintenance than other cosmetic treatments or restorations. 

At Prime Dental Specialists, we use state-of-the-art Smile Design technology to construct a digital representation of your smile. We partner with experienced dental ceramicists who hand-craft custom dental veneers that are carefully cemented in place for a beautiful, even smile.

Porcelain veneers can last from 10 to 20 years if you brush and floss twice daily and avoid risky behaviours, such as eating hard lollies, chewing ice, and opening packets with your teeth. Their long-lasting durability makes porcelain dental veneers a worthwhile investment in your smile.  

An alternative to porcelain veneers is dental bonding which uses composite resin to build up and cover an affected tooth. Bonding is more affordable than porcelain veneers and can be applied in a single session. However, it is typically less durable and prone to staining and chipping if you don’t look after your teeth properly. Bonded teeth can last for 4 to 8 years before you require composite replacement. 


Do You Dream of a Perfect Smile?

Although porcelain veneers have a higher initial price than many solutions in cosmetic dentistry, they represent a valuable long-term investment as they require fewer repairs and replacements. 

Do you want to craft your dream smile but are wondering, “are veneers worth it?” Call the team at Prime Dental Specialists on (02) 9876 8828 to book a consultation and discuss your options with our experienced dentists.